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How Advertisers Can Try to Avoid Getting Stuck in VPPA Limbo with Their CTV and Video Data


作为一个行业, we’ve been working hard to reduce the complexity of CTV and video advertising to help brands and agencies seamlessly and effectively reach audiences in these increasingly popular viewing environments. 现在, 在我们取得的所有进步中, a 35-year-old piece of legislation—the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA)—is sparking lawsuits and sowing confusion within the CTV and video ad space.

从数据驱动的广告角度来看,VPPA并不是一个亮点. But it is an evolving matter that advertisers should consider as they formulate their omnichannel data strategies and look to ensure they’re not missing out on opportunities within CTV and video. 以下是你需要知道的.


The VPPA went into effect in 1988—the heyday of videotape rentals—and was essentially a piece of legislation designed to prohibit the disclosure of an individual’s video rental history. (It was passed a year after Supreme Court candidate Robert Bork’s video-viewing habits were leaked to the press.) The law went into effect well before anyone had even conceived of modern streaming services, 更不用说支持它们的AD技术和数据基础设施了. 然而, 因为最近诉讼中的措辞, it’s now being cited within dozens of consumer privacy lawsuits based on how today’s companies share viewership data when consumers view video content posted on websites, 应用程序, 以及其他数字平台.

具体地说, VPPA禁止实体租赁, 出售, or deliver prerecorded “video cassette tapes or similar audio-visual materials” from “knowingly disclos[ing], 给任何人, personally identifiable 信息 concerning any consumer of such provider.PII, 在这种情况下, is defined as “信息 which identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific video materials or services from a video tape service provider.”

In short, the VPPA is being used to block companies from sharing data on individuals’ viewing habits. Given the number of lawsuits in play, there’s been no consensus on how courts will handle claims. 因此, 广告业是时候提高警惕了, while still ensuring their campaigns are being fueled by data that enables the level of targeting and personalization expected in today’s media landscape.


Because the lawsuits leveraging VPPA are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole in terms of data and technology, it’s unlikely there will be clear answers on the legal front for marketers any time soon. 现在, data that directly links an individual to the content they’re watching is being scrutinized most closely. Businesses that get express opt-in consent to share content-level viewership data most likely will be in the clear, but that’s about as much as anyone can say with any certainty at this point.

This doesn’t mean advertisers can’t continue to reach the audiences that matter most to them in CTV and video viewing environments—far from it. 要记住以下几点:

法律监督: Always check in with legal and compliance teams to provide valuable oversight when it comes to your company’s use of viewership data. These teams can help you understand how legislation like the VPPA might apply to your specific data applications and targeting models.

合作伙伴: 与知情人士合作. 您的数据合作伙伴和提供商应该讨论VPPA遵从性. 更重要的是,他们应该考虑到VPPA的行动计划.

数据策略: The VPPA, at its core, focuses on deterministic data that directly links individuals to content. 广告主希望与有利可图的CTV和视频观众建立联系, 仍然有很多数据驱动的方式与目标用户建立联系, 这些环境中的高价值受众. 例如, the permissioned signals used to understand viewership of certain content can be used to model high-fidelity probabilistic audiences. These models can then be leveraged, at scale, for highly accurate lookalike targeting.

当有关数据使用的法律变动出现时, 比如我们正在见证的VPPA, 营销人员应该保持在发展的顶端并根据需要进行调整. Data partners and agencies should act as advisors in these situations and be able to answer any questions you might have as it relates to the legal implications of the data that powers your campaigns. High-quality audience data offers multiple paths to meeting an advertiser’s goals—but advertisers need a firm understanding of where they stand in order to make the appropriate pivots, 当然,还要提供出色的宣传活动.

[编者注:这是来自 Alliant. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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